Al Fresco
The Glendale City Council authorized the establishment of the Al Fresco Glendale Program. Phase I of the program allowed local dine-in restaurants to apply to extend to outdoor dining on both public and private properties. It provides businesses with a low-cost alternative to re-establish their customer base to pre-COVID levels by offering outdoor dining alternatives. Phase II extends the program to include retail, personal care and gym businesses with specific guidelines and restrictions.
The expanded program will facilitate temporary outdoor activity for the following businesses:
Private Property Including Private Parking Lots
Required Documentation:
Temporary Certificate of Occupancy
Public Right-of-Way Including Sidewalks and Pre-Designated City Street Parklets
Required Documentation:
Sidewalk Dining Permit Application
Sidewalk Dining Permit Application Addendum
Retail Businesses
Private Property Including Private Parking Lots
Required Documentation:
Temporary Certificate of Occupancy
Public Sidewalks
Required Documentation:
Sidewalk Dining Permit Application
Sidewalk Dining Permit Application Addendum
Gyms & Health Clubs
Private Property Including Private Parking Lots
Required Documentation:
Temporary Certificate of Occupancy
Park facility use permits may be issued at the discretion of the Director of Community Services and Parks Department. Additional requirements, including payment of fees, and proof of insurance will be requested. Please refer to the policy below for details about this option:
The Glendale City Council has agreed to waive the fees for both the Sidewalk Dining and Temporary Certificate of Occupancy Permits until capacity levels return to 100 percent, or until June 30, 2021. Once your application is approved, your Al Fresco Glendale permit will be in effect until June 30, 2021. This period may be renewed upon approval of a request to the Planning Division and in accordance with all applicable State and local health orders.
Application Process
Applicant must submit a completed application and all required materials as described in the program requirements, including required permits.
Private Parking Lot Use
Businesses desiring to use private parking lots for the Al Fresco Program may utilize up to 50% of the lot for such purpose.
Businesses that share parking lots with neighboring businesses and therefore cannot adhere to the 50% minimum will need to successfully complete a petition process with their neighbors in order to be granted an exception to the 50% max.
Park Facilities Contact Information
Adult Recreation Center
Glendale Sports Complex
Maple Park
Pacific Park
Sparr Heights Community Center
(818) 548-3775
(818) 548-6420
(818) 548-3783
(818) 548-4098
(818) 548-2188​
Personal Care Businesses
Private Property Including Private Parking Lots
Required Documentation:
Temporary Certificate of Occupancy
For questions regarding this application and the submittal requirements, please contact the Economic Development Division – Business Concierge at (818) 548-2005 or by email at: